

prodotti details

Spring came slightly early in 2005 and was followed by a hot summer with the right amount of rain, all of which led to an excellent harvest. With its Gattinara 2005, Torraccia del Piantavigna won its second ‘Tre Bicchieri’ award from Gambero Rosso.
It surprises for the directness and freshness of the aromas, it explodes in the mouth with robust and persistant tannins which the development in the bottle has bound together, creating a unified structure with considerable complexity, both powerful and elegant. The sensorial profile of this wine continues to develop, offering wonderful new surprises as it ages.
– This wine is no longer commercially available. A small stock is retained by the company for tastings and specialist private sale. –


  • Gambero Rosso

    3 Red Glasses: Outstanding wine

    Gattinara DOCG 2005
  • Guida Oro - i Vini di Veronelli

    3 Red Stars: Outstanding wine

    Gattinara DOCG 2005
  • Touring Club - Vini Buoni d'Italia

    3 Red Stars: Good and pleasantly drinkable wine

    Gattinara DOCG 2005
  • L'Espresso - Vini d'Italia

    4 Bottles: An excellent wine at a short step from outstanding

    Gattinara DOCG 2005


Gattinara DOCG – The vintages

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